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default Disciplined Entrepreneurhsip Beliebt

Von Markiert in Arbeitswelt 1660 Downloads

Disciplined Entrepreneurhsip

Disciplined Entrepreneurship is changing the way people think about entrepreneurship. Many believe that it cannot be taught, and those who are successful in starting a business are born with something others do not have. This book dispels that myth and shows how innovation-driven entrepreneurship can be broken down into discreet behaviors and processes which can be taught to the intelligent, hardworking, people using this book.

Presenting an easy to understand and implement proven framework that is both comprehensive and integrated.  This approach consist of 24 steps which include:

  • Market segmentation
  • Quantify the value proposition
  • Define your core
  • Map the process to acquire a paying customer
  • Test key assumptions, develop a product plan, and more.

This book is designed as an integrated toolbox for first-time and repeat entrepreneurs so that they can build great enterprises based on new innovative products. Serial entrepreneurs with deep experience in a particular field or industry will also find this 24-step guide useful to more efficiently bring products to market. 


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